You’ve filled the pages: Now what? 5 tips for using your journal insights

How often do you look back at your journal entries?

If you’re anything like me, it’s not very often. I’ve looked back at some of my older entries while decluttering this year, but I rarely look back over the entries from my current journal. Lately I’ve been trying to be more intentional with my journaling practice by reflecting back over my writings and seeing what I can do with them.

There are some real gems in those pages (and some reflections that make me cringe) and a wealth of information on how I can strengthen my self-expertise. I want to put it all to good use!

If you’ve filled the pages of your journal and you’re wondering what’s next, consider the following tips for making the most of your journal insights.

5 tips for using your journal insights

1. Reflect and revisit your answers

You can notice any patterns or recurring themes in your life, habits and behaviors when you review your answers. Set aside time weekly or monthly to re-read your entries. And I know, some of them will make you squirm and others will have you questioning what you were thinking, and that’s ok! Revisiting your answers and entries can help guide your future actions.

  • Notice that you’ve been feeling sadness or happiness around a certain person = find more ways to connect or disconnect with them
  • If you wrote about feeling joyful doing a certain activity = schedule time to engage in that activity again soon
  • Did you enjoy your own company on a cozy weekend? Consider scheduling a monthly solo date
  • Have you noticed patterns of boredom or complacency? Find ways to include more fun and exploration in your daily routines

2. Set intentions based on your journal insights

Identify key intentions or goals for this season. Your intentions can be anything that you want to cultivate more of, release or renew, get curious about or study. Your intention can also be a single word or phrase as your mantra. Write them on a separate piece of paper and post them somewhere you can see daily; stay aligned with your intentions. You can change these every week or month.

3. Adjust your daily routine

Notice one or two answers that stand out and incorporate related practices into your routines.

  • More grounding energy = meditation and yoga
  • A need for exploration = more time in nature
  • Craving curiosity = read for pleasure and education
  • Wanting more connections = schedule time with loved ones

4. Share with a trusted resource

If you have a therapist, mentor or other trusted resource, you can share your insights with them. These people can help you make sense of your writings, mirror back your ideas, encourage you to pursue your dreams and offer new perspectives. Just be mindful of one truth: you are not sharing to get approval or validation from this person. You’re sharing as a way to keep you accountable to your growth.

5. Write a letter to your future self

Summarize your reflections and give your future self a pep talk. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Write about your goals, dreams and the changes you want to make and then, set a date to read it and see how far you’ve come. Be gentle with yourself, this isn’t a challenge but a way to get inside your own head and be your biggest cheerleader.

These 5 ideas can help you move beyond simply answering questions and recording your thoughts to taking meaningful action and deepening your personal growth. Make your journal insights work for you – you can always look back to help you get ahead.  

Which tip are you going to try this month?

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