Somewhere between overwhelm and disorientation, we all have times in our lives when we’re feeling stuck. Not sure what to do next, can’t tell if what we’ve been doing is working, worried about making another mistake…and in need of a little prompting to take the next step, whatever it may be.
Sometimes you might feel so stuck that it’s difficult to even daydream about the possibilities of something different. During those moments, it’s helpful to work through a series of questions to uncover deeper insights, get clarity on your values, get a spark of motivation and feel confident to take the next step.
Below are 12 powerful questions to ask when you’re feeling stuck.
Take your time, you don’t have to know all the answers right now. Do your reasonable best to work through each question and write down your answers to reflect on when you get over this bump and need another push in the future.
1. What are my core values, and am I living in alignment with them?
Your core values are fundamental beliefs and principles that guide how you live, how you make decisions and how you decide what’s most important to you. You can determine your core values by reflecting on experiences that made you feel most energized or consider a list of qualities that resonate with you, such as honesty, compassion, time freedom, growth and rest. Then, narrow down this list of experiences and qualities to those that feel essential – nonnegotiable – to who you are.
2. What is one thing I can do right now that would make the biggest difference in my life?
Keep it simple – think about the next tiny impactful step you can take. This doesn’t have to be groundbreaking. The idea here is to think of the next immediate action you can take to move forward. Sometimes it’s as simple as pushing back from your laptop to get some fresh air, eating a nourishing meal or taking a nap.
Don’t overthink it.
3. What matters most to me at this moment?
The focus is on this very moment, not for the entirety of your life or your future. Just this breath, just this moment.
4. What do I need to let go of?
To the best of your ability, release people, places and things that don’t position you for the life you want to live. We often feel stuck because we’re trying to live someone else’s story, fulfill someone else’s dreams or solve someone else’s problems. When you peel back the layers and focus on your own “stuff,” you can get clarity on ways to move forward.
5. What limiting beliefs are keeping me from moving forward?
As above, release thoughts, stories and mindsets that keep you stuck.
6. What does my ideal life look like and how far am I from that vision?
Ask yourself this “miracle question” and dare to dream. The measure of how far you are from your vision isn’t to make you feel down about yourself, but rather to inspire you to take the next step forward.
7. Who am I allowing to drain my energy and how can I change that?
Are you feeling stuck in a particular relationship? What behaviors are you allowing that you need to address?
8. What am I avoiding that, if faced, could create a breakthrough?
That thing you’re avoiding might just be the key to your biggest move yet. Do it scared.
9. What small steps can I take today to move closer to my goals?
Write a list of 3 things, no matter how small, that can help you move forward. You don’t have to get it right on the first try but you do have to put yourself out there to learn what’s possible.
10. Am I doing things out of obligation or genuine desire?
We all have things we have to do because, hello, adulting. But, what can you remove from your life that is completely optional and feels like a chore? Conversely, what can you do more of that lights you up, that you genuinely desire and look forward to?
11. What have I been putting off that I know will make a positive impact in my life?
Think small! Sometimes it’s really as simple as folding and putting the laundry away to feel less cluttered mentally and physically.
12. How can I reconnect with my sense of purpose and passion?
What immediately comes to mind? What were you doing the last time you smiled, belly laughed and lost track of time?
Asking yourself the right questions can open up new perspectives and help you see that there is a way forward. First, reflect on your core values and begin taking small, intentional steps forward. Remember, it’s ok to not have the answers right away – self-discovery is a process. The important thing is to remain curious, stay patient with yourself, and trust that the clarity you seek will come as you keep moving forward
You’re doing great.